I play for keeps

A phrase used to symbolize how you play, if you play for keeps you are the ultimate player and you owned everyone.
Yo' bitch you better stay away, cause' I play for keeps
by 69696969Stud69696969 March 22, 2007
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i play for keeps

When playing a game of marbles, you keep the marbles that you win from the other person.
Bob: Want to play marbles?
Clide: All right dude... but i play for keeps.
by Crai2g March 16, 2007
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i play for keeps

When playing a game of marbles, you keep the marbles that you win from the other person.
Bob: Want to play marbles?
Clide: All right dude... but i play for keeps.
by Crai2g March 16, 2007
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I don't play for keeps

Not wanting to settle down with someone, because you don't need them.
"Its my year to be thotiana, so he needs to leave cause I don't play for keeps."
by who.rly.cares March 21, 2019
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