
Conspiracy loving idiots denying evidence.
Robbie: “The government is using the plandemic to control us. It’s a hoax.”

Ronnie: “Don’t be such a Clide.”
by Chukkles February 27, 2021
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A very perfect boy in every way. Flawless and beautiful and has an amazing personality. He will never bring you down..... He will only make you happy :)
That is Clide, the most amazing person you will ever meet.
by Effy Drew March 19, 2011
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A piece of shit whos mom spends way to much time on urban dictionary.
Clide is a real asshole
by Skylerbob October 11, 2018
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Conspiracy Loving Idiots Denying Evidence
Flat-earthers and moon-landing hoaxers are such CLIDEs.
by Saganese February 26, 2021
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C for Canadians, LI for Liberals, DE for Democrats. CLIDE is how we refer to them.
CLIDE or CLIDE's are the crazy leftist/liberals who are propaganda conformists and believe whatever mainstream media says to be true, is true.
by BioBohdi March 2, 2022
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