by Dukes1297 February 13, 2014
NO, Hell NO, Saying no to someone that you know, saying it in a loud way, meaning you don't care what they are saying to you. you don't want to here it.
by James D Stone March 29, 2010
Abbreviation: LIYF
A virulent phrase meant to envoke sadness in the recipient and display pure contempt for the recipient. A term coined by Lewis Camacho (arguably the most charming and important non-intellectual of our time -beat that Chomsky-). He first used it as a defense mechanism against everything stupid and then just assaulted everyone that he encountered with it. As a result of the actual laughing it couldn't be fully understood hence It evolved into HAAAHAHA "YA FACE". See also YA FACE.
A virulent phrase meant to envoke sadness in the recipient and display pure contempt for the recipient. A term coined by Lewis Camacho (arguably the most charming and important non-intellectual of our time -beat that Chomsky-). He first used it as a defense mechanism against everything stupid and then just assaulted everyone that he encountered with it. As a result of the actual laughing it couldn't be fully understood hence It evolved into HAAAHAHA "YA FACE". See also YA FACE.
Proper Usage: Its been how many months and still no weapons of mass destruction? HAA! I Laugh in Ya Faace!
by STUFF\'N\'THINGS September 13, 2003
A phrase coined by what may be the most devastatingly Puerto Rican individual on the planet (Beat that, Ricky Martin!), meant to convey contempt for the individual it is directed towards. This is usually caused by calling sudden attention to someone's face, which is something people put a lot of effort into and are extremely self-conscious about. This phrase was created by inadvertant intellectual Lewis Camacho, which goews to prove the theory that seven thousand monkeys typing on seven thousand keyboards for seven thousand years will eventually create the complete works of Shakespeare.
by Weeeeeeezull September 15, 2003
A Pidgin English phrase (which translated to English means "I'm laughing as well") made popular by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. I dey laugh o (hereafter IDLO) is a scornful and mocking response to another's position on a subject. IDLO has been made popular by young Nigerians who usually respond to a comment on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter with the pithy "IDLO"
by OmoLugard January 18, 2011
It means that laughing is not your cup of tea....broadly speaking it means laughing doesn't suits you...
Today was a good day,i enjoyed a lot but, in the evening i got a news that my friend passes away actually IT ONLY HURTS WHEN I LAUGH!!
by rokabomber November 19, 2015