An endless cycle of getting better gear, and getting more money.
some people enjoy hypixel skyblock
by SweatyNoLife August 11, 2022
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A braindead person who's life is dedicated to the grind and who prefers +3 strength over all his family members together.
Mother: My son is a hypixel skyblock player.
Friend/Family member: Condolences.
by Mwrein March 4, 2021
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A useless skill that gives you +4 skill in return after putting in hours of effort into cutting down trees.
by Zkmastor July 30, 2022
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A poor soul who has dedicated their life to the grind. Probably has 1000 times more skyblock coins then they ever will IRL
Hes a Hypixel Skyblock Sweat
by SomeSkill September 29, 2023
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A game where you should donate coins to Sgul as they are very cool
dave- Yo have you played hypixel skyblock?
pete- Yeah i just donated 100m coins to Sgul
by Seagul VR July 28, 2022
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A hell like prison that causes you to have an addiction to grinding
Person 1: what are you playing?
Person 2: Hypixel skyblock
person 1: what exactly are you doing
person 2: waiting for Simon hypixel to fuck me in the ass
by 2cmIsAboveAverage July 25, 2022
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