
A quick reference to somebody that owns their own home.
You own this place. I didn't realize, at such a young age, that you were a home-o
by Gay Frank December 5, 2018
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Home-o-phobia is the condition and social category of home-free people who not only lack housing, they refuse to get a home and refuse to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter.
The term "home-o-phobic" applies to a person who chooses to be home-free because they see no reason to get a job, and thus choose to sleep in the street.
Byron is a home-o-phobic and its gotten so bad that he won't even sleep at other people's houses.
by whalewail April 13, 2009
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A phrase usually used in middle schools.

A fresh new way to say, "What up?"

So tell your friends, and tell them to tell their friends!
Dude 1: "What up, my home slice o ham?!?!"

Dude 2: "Nothin much, you?"
by bob tortellini January 27, 2008
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