He is this cool mother fucker that gose to prestwick stem academy who makes tik toks and thinks xbox is cool
Hey have you heard about gavin Havel getting that cool game on xbox
by Jhonny year October 20, 2018
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An enemy in Dark Souls 1 who is waiting for you at the bottom of the Spiral Watchtower and shall put you in your rightful place with his giant dragon tooth hammer.
*opens door* Let's see what loot we can get her- OMG IT'S HAVEL THE ROCK *dies from being squashed by hammer*
by Herlock_Sholmes October 6, 2021
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Rolling above 70% with the heaviest armor equipped in dark souls!
Damn this noob is havel rolling
by Heart1783 July 6, 2018
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what shrek says to you in shrek has swag. OH HELLO THERE!!
"Yo man did you see Bishop Havel the Rock today?"
"yeah dude and his quote, "can you smell what the rock is cookin!" is hilairous!
by TheShrekoning69 March 22, 2015
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Joe was havell of the Wednesday afternoon pints in Leadenhall Market.
by ScumSaints February 22, 2023
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To be grossly jealous.
Joe was so Havell of the 12.30 Wednesday pints outside Leadenhall Market.
by ScumSaints February 22, 2023
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