When you're so high that nothing makes sense and you feel completely out of body. People who are "guj" typically can't stop laughing, saying things that are incoherent, rambling, and other. People who are "guj" feel as if they are on a plane of existence so far gone, they're convinced they can understand alien. Hell yeah.

you have to send message a message to a group of loved ones in a server on discord. but there's so many choices, so many options. do you say "goodbye?" "fairwell?" "im baked as shit right now?" well, you need to group them all together first. a "guys" should be good. ah shit, you typed in "guj" instead. there's no going back now.
Guy 1: How high was I last night?
Guy 2: Bro, you were guj. You kept asking "What if Mario was blobby?" and almost pissed yourself laughing.

Author note: I am on the verge of guj right now.
by whyen March 6, 2022
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Me: Did you ask Sam if he wants to go to the warriors game tomorrow?

Danny: Yeah, but he's just being a guj.
by Vipeezy May 19, 2008
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When a commonly used website upgrades itself and makes it worse.
by Daleb545 July 7, 2010
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