The little creatures in all of the Halo (X Box) games. They have what looks like cones on their heads and scream various sayings when dying
"Oh man, so many grunts everywhere, I had to use all my grenades and they STILL weren't all dead"

"Those damn grunts, so annoying"
by Bejungles.x October 28, 2009
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A rather extremely unattractive female, whose looks are so unappealing that the sight of them leaves you trembling in fear. Associated with the sound of grunting. Similar to a minger.
Guy 1: let's get out of this club it's full of grenades.

Guy 2: What's that in the corner? Holy shit it's a heard of grunts! Run!
by Minihulk September 6, 2014
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Weird but cool gray dudes with a plus sign on their faces
by Eteled's_cum November 24, 2021
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Combination of Grabbing and Cunt.

Reaching down and crudely grasping or clenching a girl's vagina with your hand.
Aaron deftly grunted Autumn's throbbing vagina as she walked out of the bathroom, her tampon wrapper balled up and ready for the trash.
by Skinwhip March 18, 2005
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Awesome. Hardcore. Intense. Wicked. Inspiring.
by Trent_Malk September 25, 2010
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A secret code word for "Check your E-Mail"
Person A: hey send me that picture

Person B: ok.... grunt grunt
by Brian and Darby August 28, 2003
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The term "grunt" is used in the military as a general term for someone who's MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is "Infantry". In the Marine Corps all MOS' preceeded by the number "03" are Infantry. About as "grunt" as you can get in the Corps is "0311 - Basic Rifleman".

The opposite of a "grunt" is a "pougue", which is a derogatory reference to pretty much anyone who isn't a grunt, but normally reserved for Marines who work in an office or some other rear-echelon job as part of their regular duties ("In the rear with the gear"). Call a pougue a "grunt" and they love it, but call a grunt a "pougue" and see what happens :-)

"If you ain't a grunt you ain't SHIT"

"The grunts at Phase Line Echo report multiple hostiles, scattered small-arms fire and are currently engaging."

"The fuckin' grunts always come to our E-Club and start shit."
by USMCG_Spyder January 1, 2006
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