Something some people don’t get but that’s ok
Hey jimmy guess what. What? You are not as tall as me . It’s ok Bobby I don’t think I have the growth to grow
by Pig18 August 3, 2021
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People that use supplements to increase their height in a unnatural way.
Bob used a growth supplement to increase his height by using a pill

Ross who’s been 5’6 for atleast 3 years: Goddamit, growth cheater
by Breather April 30, 2021
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Tactical growth is cutting or growing you hair to meet the demands of the current climate for example cutting your hair when it is too hot or growing it when it is too cold.
Friend 1 : ahh chris i see you have a fresh new cut
Friend 2: yeah my head was too hot with my boff
Friend 1: Ahhh tactical growth
by SDL3YR1 April 26, 2011
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