Green Thing

A drink, or a cocktail. It consist's of half Smirnoff Ice and and half Blue WKD. This then turns Green. Traditionally served in a pint glass over ice.
It has been known to add a double shot of house vodka to this.
Bar Keep, I'll have a Green Thing when your ready please
by drunked March 17, 2009
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Green thing

Wow! I can't believe I farted out a green thing!
by Iggy128 June 26, 2004
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Green Scrubby Thing

A dumb person refering to a scouring pad
"Im cleaning this pot, could you give me that green scrubby thing?"

"You mean the scouring pad?
by DarrenL August 28, 2005
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Green Thing

Green Thing a Troll that names her social media channels after a growth on her vagina lip
Those kids with special needs was choked out by Green Thing
by Professor DickDown June 3, 2022
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