by 4u2 May 29, 2017
When a girl says 'go down on me' it's another way of saying to eat her out, when a guy says it, he means to give him head.
Guy 1: So I was talking to this bitch right and she was talking about abortions and later when having sex she said 'go down on me' and that was a major boner killer.
Guy 2: Aw what a sick twisted freak!
Guy 2: Aw what a sick twisted freak!
by jimizimij January 30, 2014
GDOM "Go Down On ME" In a conversation or conflict when you want to keep your composure but make a point to somebody with out them knowing what your saying. Snap your finger and point down while saying GDOM. Basically telling and individual to suck it. "If you don't like what I have to say GDOM"
by Rowdy Cain February 6, 2015