The reaction a female has to something exceedingly girly, such as a shoe sale, one of her friends getting engaged, watching America's Next Top Model
My girlfriend had such a girlgasm about the new shoe store, she dragged me in for two hours.
by Todd April 5, 2005
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When two or more women have an orgasm together without a man, and or nen involved!
Yoo, Bob did you hear about the girlgasm they had at Kappa Kappa Gamma Sarah, Lacy, and Amanda were eating each other out until they orgasmed!!
Yeah, I know I got the whole thing on vidoe through their window!
by Slaskinateher August 16, 2023
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When a guy does something so stinking adorable for you or to you that you die a little a good way.
When my boyfriend sang the song he wrote just for me, I had such a girlgasm.
by ninabean15 April 26, 2023
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