To speak in an over exaggerated tone in a disgusting manner to convey a point.
Morty: "... If you really want your grandpa back, grab a shovel, because the one that won't let you down is buried in the backyard."
Summer: "Your right!"
Morty: "What! No! I was using ghoulish overkill!"

from Rick and Morty, Season 3 Episode 1
by budobla April 5, 2019
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Ghoulish overkill is used to shock people in to understanding your point using gore or morbidity
“Why did you tell me that all animals deserve death when I was 5?” “My bad brah I was using ghoulish overkill
by The Smarty farty 420 January 16, 2022
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When someone figuratively speaking talking shit about someone else but doesn't mean it. It often occur between two friends or family-members fighting each other. Like a brother and a sister.
EMMAS BROTHER: Dad is selfish, he doesn't care about us, and most of all he hates you, Emma.

EMMA: What, *crying* runaway.
EMMAS BROTHER: I didnt mean it. i was using Ghoulish Overkill. Ghoulish Overkill EMMA!
by Nerflix April 18, 2017
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