February 13th, the other half of valentine's day, when you celebrate your love for your lady friends! single or no.
hey Judy, you are such a great friend to me, and I want to celebrate our friend love , not only my sexy love with my boyfriend Marvin tomorrow, so let's have a dinner get together the day before valentines day - Galentine's Day!
by bobbo the robo February 13, 2013
When single women get together on Valentines day to tell each other that being single isn't really that bad.
"Hey Chelsea, do you wanna come to our Galentines Day dinner this year?"
"Galentines day?"
"Yeah its just a bunch of girls getti..."
"Fuck that I want a man."
"Galentines day?"
"Yeah its just a bunch of girls getti..."
"Fuck that I want a man."
by CREY February 12, 2010
by gnostic3 February 14, 2020