The offspring of a moron and fickwit where the breeding parties have had an equal genetic influence concerning their behavioural attributes. When mating is not involved, a fuckron is a fuckwit or moron that has moved onto greater heights due to their praiseworthy stupidity.
"You have a beautiful baby John. Is it a fuckron, or just a moron like you were?".

"Jason, I thought you were just a fuckwit, but now I realise you are actually a fuckron after stealing that UFC fighter's diamond-studded watch...".
by Lazzareth July 21, 2022
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Fuckron is abit like


Its Fucking And Moron Merged Into 1 Word
You Fuckron

Piss off you Fuckron
by Jay Baker February 4, 2004
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The APPROPRIATE nickname of the current Prsident of France, Macron

Fuck him.
Emmanuel Fuckron
by #LGCC9CCPP August 2, 2021
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