The lord and savoir, frogo will be there for you always, even if you don't see him, he is there. (Unless you are jerking off or something like that)
Frogo, you have come to save us!
by Frogo is love February 26, 2019
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A frogo is like saying frog but with a O at the end. Similar to saying dogo instead of dog. Why does this word exist? No idea I'm just bored and want to write in ud
Frogo goes REEEE
by Metal_Rod November 18, 2020
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A new species that was discovered last month.

Pepe the Frogo is an example.
I am a Frogo.
You are the most Frogo of them all.

Person B: You are just like pepe the Frogo.
by CraemyMeme June 14, 2017
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Like the real god but not as great as him frogo
by The olferdem March 8, 2021
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A frog in which their eyes always look to the opposite side; a frog who's eyes are almost as big as their face.
Ew, that Frogo has some fat eyes!
by Blobo Creators November 27, 2020
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