You're Friendless because you have no friends.
by Nakiado November 12, 2015
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People who don't have friends
Hey Adriel! Where are your friends? Oh wait, you're friendless
by Iwillrektyourass October 22, 2018
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A person who may not have any friends but has soul mates and family
Him: she’s friendless
Her: that just means she has people she can’t trust with her
Him: oh, cool
by DeepPerson April 1, 2018
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being friendless means you're either myself or onii-chan. okay, so, being friendless literally means you have no friends and you spend all your time sitting on your freaking computer watching anime loud as fuck 24/7.
guy - "stop you're a friendless guy"
friendless guy - "then why are you talking to me if i had no friends?"
by augiefamayy April 28, 2017
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Having no friends because your a bitch to everyone.
Girl 1,"Why am I friendless?"
Boy 1,"Because your a bitch!"
by Bytch November 19, 2014
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When nobody likes you but there is one person who takes pity on you and calls you their friend so you don't fade away into nothing.
Bob is my friendless friend because he is a loser and no one likes him
by Doperunner124 March 11, 2017
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