Feminine version of the coolest name Fred. spelled with a double 'd' but no change in pronounciation.

Also, to be equivalent to God and Satan at the same time.
A: Hey, who's the new girl?
B: She's Fredd

#1: OMG, that dude/dudette is like God and the Devil rolled into one.
#2: S/he truly is Fredd!
by omg_well_blonde September 28, 2006
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An amazing, cool, beautiful girl with extreme confidence and is determined to reach her goals.
Friends:Aye freddes let's go get some pizza

Freddes: Alright I'm down!
by Some random dude 67 February 19, 2017
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A amazing,cool,beautiful girl that has amazing confidence, and is determined to reach her goals.
Friend:Aye freddes let's go get something to eat
Freddes: I'm down
by Some random dude 67 February 19, 2017
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A person who wants to protect a kid named Gregory from a killer bunny but you are doing a trend to remove the first and last letters of your name your real name is Glamrock Freddy
by It’s me Cassidy May 22, 2021
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A really good streamer for hot tub streams has a 15 inch penis and likes when people complement it he opens Apex packs with his cock he also likes subnatica and minecraft plus apex legends but fornite sucks
by Yourbffanddaddy January 14, 2022
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