A sexual act wherein the female lies face down with her rear slightly propped up on pillow and the male stands 4-5ft away before charging the female, leaping into the air while screaming "Flying Wombat!" and finally making a crash landing inside the female.
When Eric flipped me over and ran away I wasn't sure what to think, then I heard him cry "Flying Wombat!" and braced myself for impact.
by The Flying Sheriffbat June 6, 2010
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The act of viciously attacking someone through the combination of jumping into the victim while putting the head of the victim under the attacker’s shirt. The lack of jumping results in a wombat, not a flying wombat. The flying wombat and wombat were developed at Goldman Union Camp Institute or GUCI.
Joe Cox gave Marc Conrad a flying wombat.
Jason Feldman recieved a flying wombat from John Hill.
by Andrew Kahn April 10, 2006
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