
A place full of rich and white WASPS and some minorities who have more money than the Americans. The kids drive around town in their Audi, BMW, Mercedes or Range Rover wearing their Prada, Gucci, Armani or Polo.

There are more country clubs then you can count on one hand. The houses cost a ridiculous amount of money (if your house doesn't cost at least $2 million your poor). If you look for a house under $1 million dollar you will find a shack by the garbage dump.

All the rich dads either work in New York as an executive, own their own business or do some "finance". GE's top executives for some reason love to reside in this town.

If you happen to live on Sasco Hill Road you can declare yourself and/or your neighbors as having the most damn money in all of Fairfield & Westport because your house easily costs 8 figures (One house sold for nearly $25 million). Fairfield doesn't even light a candle to Greenwich. Welcome to Fairfield where high schools cost more then your college tuition, 16 year olds drive cars that the rest of America can't afford, families go on vacation all over the damn world and houses routinely sell in the 8 figure territory.
John is considered a regular Fairfield resident because he drives a BMW, Audi or Mercedes. His high school tuition costs more than a college education. He wears Polo shirts with the collar up. His family lives in a multimillion dollar mansion in Greenfield Hill or Sasco Hill Road and they take exotic trips around the world.
by Shantel October 12, 2005
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A South Western Sydney town. Fairfield (FF) is mostly populated by Assyrians, Asians, Lebos, Serbs, Polynesians, Spanish and most recently Sudanese people. FF is infamously known for its high street crime involving drugs, murders and stabbings. FF central business district primarily consists of two shopping centres (Neeta City & Fairfield Forum - both which are pretty shitty but handy if you dnt have a car).

The two most populated streets are Smart and Ware street however Fairfield dies out at about 5-6 pm and then 'The Cresent' (street where FF Railway station is located) is your only source of light in which the illigal gambling cafes or 'chaikhannas' and convinience stores stay open seemingly all night.

The main businesses that aligne the busy streets are as follows:
Tabacconist, Jewelry Store, Butcher, Chemist, Tobacconist, Jewelry Store, Butcher, Chemist ... Adult Shop

Be sure to visit the 'Chinese shops' during your stay (most of whom are probably not Chinese) as you can go in them for a laugh and come out with metal Australian dollar banks, cotton ear buds, bobby pins, scotch tape and fake mood rings.

Fairfield does pretty much suck but only people who live in Fairfield are allowed to say that. The people that need to point out that its a toilet are wannabe snobs who live 2 mins away somewhere in Smithfield.
FFresident1: haa cuzz, doesnt fairfield lick balls?

FFresident2: yeah but it isnt as shitty as auburn or granville
by Creamy-Goodness February 3, 2010
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1)Fairfield, CA. the worst place to be stuck in...EVER.
2)Also known as Squarefield.
3)The mystical land of nothing to do.
Hey! I live in the hell-hole named Fairfield.
by Sir Held-here-against-my will January 17, 2007
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A suburb in the Western suburbs of Sydney, Australia.
I live in Fairfield 2165.
by Tygah Oner July 11, 2008
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Now lets not mix up Fairfield,ca with fairfield,ct.
there is a BIG difference between the 2 cities.
Fairfield california is located in the bay area aka"yay area" and has had shootings and has some pretty ghetto parts.
It has a couple good areas i guess like Rancho solano.
"ay lets go to the fairfield mall before we go to vallejo"
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A suburb situated between cabramatta and guildford, in the south western suburbs of New South Whales, Sydney, Australia. Fairfield is comprised of many people, mostly of ethnic backgrounds, the biggest including those of Arab or Asian persuasion . The rail-way station, "Fairfield" is the centre point of the town, and the roughest place. Common occurrences including fights between youths of Arab, Polynesian and asian persuasions, Drug deals occurring, police finding and arresting "drugos" and over crowded, smelly buses.
The schools that make up Fairfield are Patrician Brothers College Fairfield, Fairfield High, Westfield sports high, Fairvale high, and many more. Though they may fight amongst each other, they all stand together when Fairfield it threatened. One must watch one's self when venturing into this part of town. it can be rough and tough.
Arab youth " Bro, what the fuck are you looking at?"
innocent passerby " nothing, nothing man"
Arab youth "you better watch yourself cuz. your in Fairfield."
by jvos September 20, 2008
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probably a place you dont wanna go. full of "sceney queenies" gangstas, sport players, faggots, worst sports teams in ohio, perverts, and to sum it up, everyone is freaks.
"lets go to fairfield!"
no lets not, that place is full of complete idiots
by dfhsfhjfjhsf March 20, 2009
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