the act of farting and walking at the same time...
I've been fadoodlin all ding dang day!
Walk around the club fadoodle errrrywhereeee
by RACHMAN September 14, 2011
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To sexually play with something, usually followed by a diminutive or pet name for a body part.

N. B. Fadoodle is best spoken with a brittish accent for effect
Please, fadoodle my tinker-toy!!!

Last night, during hibbityjibbity she fidoodled "The Captain", and I liked it...
by Axehold February 10, 2010
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Fadoodle: it is a word used by baker's when they waste ingredients on a recipe
"oh no" what "I put salt instead of sugar into the bater" why do you have to fadoodle everything we make !
by Ihavedepression November 25, 2016
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another name for the penis. to be used in inappropriate situations when saying penis or any other common word for the organ is not possible
let me slide my fadoodle in your fanooder for a little bit.
by d!ngo April 11, 2005
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Hey, will you pass that fadoodle? It looks tasty.
by jBrett July 31, 2010
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its kinda like cuddling, except a fadoodle happens much faster and is usually far more sexual. in cuddling, you kinda just sit there and snuggle, but in a fadoodle, you go straight for the business.
Dude, you just got fadoodled!
I am about to fadoodle you.
Dude, Johnathan came out of no where and fadoodled the crap out of you.
by Hutch Jackson November 15, 2007
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