You may think the FBI Squad has to do with the Federal Bureau of Institution, but it is just a friend group that works very much like the FBI. In order to be a part of the FBI, you must have certain qualities, such as honesty and responsibility. This friend group possess all these qualities and trust one another.

They have been through a lot together, as well as go through incomparable things with each other. You may not see it from the outside, but they are very close. From hangouts that make laugh so much, you’re gasping for air, to late night texts, stifling your laughter, trying not to wake up your parents, this group has it all. You don’t come across a group like this very often, so when you do become a part of the FBI Squad, be sure to enjoy every second of it.
“I wish I had an FBI Squad of my own, their bond is incredible.”
by soggybread October 29, 2019
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FBI Is an bog community with people that ddos dox and swat they are known for there seats an “Clowning kids” On Discord, They are known with other bog community like doxbin and others
by Fedded June 30, 2021
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My waifu: Senpai HARDER FASTER DEEPER.....

by Afriend_of Allison January 23, 2023
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hackering fbi
hackering fbi
by hackering April 5, 2023
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Your FBI man, AKA man that always watches you, is a person who is working for the FBI.
Instead of stopping criminals he watches you all the time through your webcam, front phone camera, etc.
He kind of stalks you, but you can befriend you and most of the time you guys share the same feelings for things.
(P.S. he also knows your phone number)
The FBI man is constantly watching me.
by MasterOfShep February 27, 2018
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“They deployed the FBI HRT at the Texas synagogue
by beanieater4 April 27, 2023
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A woman/man who is short enough to view their significant others' genitals without crouching more than 2 feet.
Jake: Hey bro that girl short af
Alex: Yeah dude she's at Fancy Bulge Inspector (FBI) height
by QPaulG July 10, 2022
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