Kissing using their dicks. Touching of two dicks.
I just got Estonian kissed by John. FML!!!
by Red dead redemption February 1, 2016
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An orchestral manoeuvre whereby one achieves maximum clarity and volume on the double bass by pressing one's knee in the back of the instrument. This in turn pushes the string into the left hand thereby producing a voluminous sound.
"Fuck man, Jaan keeps initiating the Estonian Spit Roast on his bass. The poor fucker is getting bruised like crazy!"
by B$$Lad May 12, 2015
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This is where the female steps behind the man, kneels behind him, and eats his asshole while uppercutting his ball sack. A variation of this consist of pulling on his schlong till he squeels like a dolphin verses eating his cornhole.
Jenny is a freak. She loved giving the Estonian Reach Around to me.
by Mishka-Moondog August 30, 2012
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National slap Estonian day is celebrated on the 2nd of September.

To take part you need to smack an Estonian. Sound easy? Thought so. Every tribute helps.
I am going to get rid of the sludge that is Estonia by slapping an estonian on Slap Estonian Day
by MajimaOwO August 22, 2022
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An individual from the armpit of Eastern Europe, Often tries to micro manage each and all situations, and is in most part disliked by all.
I wish Martin Kuustic would quit being such an Estonian Cheese Mongrel.
by The Ugly Truth November 18, 2009
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When a man spreads the woman's vagina flaps and attempts to stick his head into it. This normally ends up with a trip to the ER as it is not safe for both genders. This can be done with the same sex (see Finnish jackhammer).
Brian: "so I gave Sandra the Estonian jackhammer last night!"
Andre: "is she ok?!?"
by The isis November 13, 2014
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When host throws you out of his house because you ate something from their fridge
by anVlad11 November 21, 2018
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