Mentally challenged children who think they're tough but will shit their pants and die at the smallest sign of danger. Found only in Australia.
"Look at that little junkie eshay cunt with his faggot mates"
by YIFF MY ASS DADDY March 13, 2022
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Eshay is a word as . Theteengio refers to the other meaning of having a small penis
by teengio July 1, 2021
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Essay's are people who do a lot of drugs and wear fully sick adidas clothes and side bags that had all their drugs in it. They also have a pair of the UGLIEST SHOES IN THE WORLD (TNS), they start fights they cannot finish but they make sure that theyre in groups while they attack some poor innocent lad just in case they fight back and they only talk in slag and swear words
Look at that eshay *kid with tns, adidas side bag and a cigarette walks past*
by Bookin poo April 19, 2019
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Damn bro look at that mistake

Oh you mean that eshay?

Yeah mate
by HansDaCheeseyRetard May 26, 2022
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a name that means to life a long and happy life.

girls named eshay are usually very kind and caring and love everyone. all the guys love her because of how thoughtful and nice she is. she also gives great hugs! YEET
i just got married!
hope it lasts forever! was her name eshay? youre a lucky man
by y.a.s_queeeee.eeen September 6, 2019
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Whilst generally described as young persons with a dress sense straight out of an 3rd world rip-off shop, a nasty lack of hygiene and an inability to enunciate the end of their words (bruffa, weaffa, picha); their name "eshay" is a formed from pig Latin, whereby they take the first consonant and add it to the end with 'ay', (possibly to overcome that suffix issue mentioned earlier). Pig latin might've been cool with the kids in the early 80s but could only be described as lame now.
Eshay1 "got any nangs bruf?"

Eshay2 "nah (taking out a glass bbq), but this shit's insane brah"

Eshay1 "fk yeah lad, reckon a stint in the dention centre would be killa brah"
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An eshay is basically the boy version of a vsco girl. They wear bucket hats, or wear their hats backwards and an inch above their head. They also wear nike tns. They also wear bumbags.
"He's such an Eshay."
by (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) December 9, 2019
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