when someone farts this is what they say to inform everyone
luen: dawg what you doin this weekend
mario: im goin to the club.......
luen: -farts- ahh equilibrium
mario: yo y u gotta do dat
by lockedup0391 April 5, 2006
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When the amount of simp in a relationship is mutual and in perfect balance ; each partner is being just as much of a simp as the other.
Person 1: Hey man, how's it going with you and Stacey ?
Person 2: Awesome man, I think we've reached simp equilibrium!
by afferz February 1, 2020
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The phenomenon that occurs when the perfect blood alcohol level is reached while drinking and playing bar sports, resulting in near God-like performance at darts or pool.
Dude, that's like 3 bulleyes in a row. You have clearly attained you beer equilibrium.
by Blair Semchuk September 15, 2008
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n. The point at which the number of hotdogs you have is equal to the number of hotdog buns that you have.
There are ten hotdogs in a package, but only eight hotdog buns in a package. As a result, 32 hotdogs must be consumed before hotdog equilibrium is reached.

by Robert Story January 16, 2006
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1. A state of balance resulting from the co-equal actions of opposite forces.
If you are holding an object in mid-air (Not using your hands, by something like a fan) then you have created co-equilibrium in the object.
by pappa da rappa December 5, 2010
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The act in which one is drinking a beer and taking a piss at the same time thus, the digestive system experiences an equilibrium between these fluids.
"Guys watch me take a piss while drinking this beer"
"That is called urinary equilibrium my friend"
by Titty Monger January 23, 2014
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The state where a girl spits as much saliva as she takes back in while giving dome. Thus, a isotonic solution of saliva is created. Which then leads to dome equilibrium. This is the best state of dome.
Woman: How's that ?
Men: FUCKING INSANE!! I think you reached DOME EQUILIBRIUM?!?
by LanceMack June 8, 2010
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