1: A word mostly used by British people to mean um or uh. Also used by crazy Americans that read too much Harry Potter.

2: An optional suffix for an adjective. If something is not -adjective- enough, then in some cases er may be added to it.

3: Shortened version of her and other words that are allready short.

4: Short for Emergency Room.
1: "Er, well I dunno..."

2: Raito had to write faster or people wouldn't do the cool dying montage with people falling over.

3: "I can't believe 'er!"

4: If someone is bleeding profusely, take them to the ER.
by Kanki April 15, 2007
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Associated with the students from a certain ssuthside school in Dublin which shall not be named(you know who you are!) Basically means: Oh!My!God! that thing you just said/did was SO stupid/random. Also can be used to express disbelief at people/knackers.
Er you pov...get some wealth!!
by Robert O' Connor-Keavney April 7, 2005
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an abbreviated way of describing a nigger.You have niggers and niggas, niggers being the sterotypical "thuggish" or "hoodlum" type.
nigga:" man all these ers are makin us niggas look bad up in here"
by tall dark n handsome October 28, 2011
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A really loud and annoying bitch who somehow has friends. Low self esteem but place rightly.
Did you see Eres yesterday? They were so weird.
by A non-binary alien October 25, 2019
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Person: look at ere he/she is so weird

Other person: but they are fine asl🥺
by That bitchh June 3, 2020
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Lustful shadow, short for the Greek name Erebus, and similar to Eros, the god of lust.
Haza: “Hey Eres, what does your name mean?”
Eres: “It means i’m a horny emo.”
by IMakeSpicyArt August 15, 2022
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yes, atif you can pony me all night long. just make sure you do it long and hard
Q: Can I pony you?
A: er?
by bob the builder December 28, 2005
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