Plains Cree slang to reveal someone's disgust about a person, place or thing, mostly used in response to a question or idea.
Question: "Your Ex is on the phone for you, wanna talk to them?"
Response: "Errr, No!"
by Chaptness March 11, 2017
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Used mainly by Northern Canadian Natives in excalmation when you are told or when you say something sarcastic. Translates as: "Yea, right" or "Just kidding".
I won $1000 at bingo tonight! Errr!
by pissinlickinshit August 1, 2006
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A person who is soo ugly that your lips just can't say butters, you just have to say errrs to overcome the situation or person.
Person 1: OMG, yesterday man i saw a girl she was well fine!
Person 2: WTF?!?! man, she was well butters!
Person 3: Both ya' got some messes taste! She was ERRRS!!!!!!!!
by SonyUser January 16, 2009
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Something to say when you don’t know to to reply
Rianna I lost my earring errrr
by Perry winkle November 19, 2019
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errr, i am very depressed-sexually
by howdy September 2, 2004
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The sound/word Adenna loves to say/make all the time!
I have to start doing my homework soon.. errr i dont want to though.
by Adenna February 11, 2004
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hottest trombone player alive!
completely amazing & someone that you miss extremely a lot when you are away from them for a week.
Woah, I had a great day with that Errr.
by Cass_Dawg February 12, 2005
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