A disease that teen males between 14 to 19 can contract by meeting a girl online. When infected the victim will have their penis chopped off by the e girl.
Immunity is League of Legends and or Runescape with cow genocide
Immunity is League of Legends and or Runescape with cow genocide
by PepsiGromp August 26, 2019
Only playing Girls in online games, pretending to be a Girl everywhere (even if you are one), picking your main Characters mainly based on genders opposed to abilities etc.
"Look at this dude, he only plays Girl Characters!" - "Maybe that person is a girl?" - "Doesnt matter, if you only play females you have E-Girl Syndrome "
by Voltex November 17, 2018
by D.d.dento April 20, 2019
Another word for depression.
Usually used for a loner that is also a gamer.
(Insert symptoms of depression here.)
Usually used for a loner that is also a gamer.
(Insert symptoms of depression here.)
Person: Aw damn, I'm in a really dark place right now...
E-girl Quackity: O shit you're just suffering from E-girl Quackity syndrome, my dude.
Person: Oh, okay.
E-girl Quackity: O shit you're just suffering from E-girl Quackity syndrome, my dude.
Person: Oh, okay.
by E-girl Quackity April 25, 2019