This word is used to refer to Nina Dobrev or Rayda Dobrev.
1- have you seen how talented dobrev is?
2- which one?
3- both i guess talent runs in their family.
by dieyboi47 December 29, 2021
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Nina Dobrev is an actress originally from Bulgaria. She is absolutely stunning and the most kind hearted angel ever. She has played many amazing roles including Elena Gilbert/ Katherine pierce (queen) in the vampire diaries. Anyone who knows her knows she is admirable and inspirational.
Person 1: Did you talk to Nina Dobrev last night?
Person 2: yeah! She was so welcoming and bubbly! I love her already.

Person 1: I agree!
by fviolet17 May 14, 2019
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Nina Dobrev (born Nina Constantinova Dobreva) is a Bulgarian actress, who played Mia on Degrassi and is now currently known for her roles of Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert on the CW's The Vampire Diaries. Other roles include Chloe, The Roommate, Arena, and The Perks of being a wall flower. Dobrev is said to be dating co-star Ian Somerhalder, but neither actor has confirmed nor denied a relationship.
Girl 1: Did you know that Elena chick was Bulgarian?

Girl 2: No way! And her name's Nina Dobrev...

Girl 1: ... I knew that.
by nevertellyourname October 11, 2011
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Incredibly pretty actress/model from Bulgaria. Best known for her role as Elena Gilbert/ Katherine Pierce on the CW's hit series 'The Vampire Diaries'. Should be dating Ian Somerhalder.
Becky: Did you see Vampire Diaries last night?

Tiffany:Yeah! Nina Dobrev looked so pretty!

Becky: I know... Why can't I look like her?
by vampfan221 January 12, 2011
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Person 1: "OMG she's flawless!"
Parson 2: "She's no Nina Dobrev."
by Kay Anderson May 6, 2013
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