A child's game where a door bell is rung (ding dong) and the child runs before the door is answered (dash).
That kid ding dong dashed me when I was sleeping and I was mad!
by Sugarsnap February 22, 2009
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Where an unknown person comes sprinting behind you, pulls down your pants, has rapid sex with you for 5 seconds, pulls your pants back up, and jumps through your window and runs away.
this random guy came through my back door and ding dong dashed me before i even noticed.
by The C and E crew October 21, 2009
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When you gotta smash but you gotta blast before her dad comes into the room.
Guy 1: Yo fam I totally pulled a Ding Dong and Dash on Marion last night!
Guy 2: Dude no way!
by Su’umYungGai June 18, 2018
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What you call somebody when they're being retarded
Gosh, why can't you stop being such a Ding Dash!!
by Jocelyn123RenWar November 6, 2018
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