Daryah is popular nerd because she is very special in a good way her personality is unique she is very pretty but she is very insecure about her looks her weird makes her popular she is very shy but if u get to know her u might want her to be your bestfriend daryah has very much crackhead energy most people think she has Adhd a lot of boys like daryah but is just scared of rejection never fight a DARYAH she will kick your ass then laugh after daryah is the baddest nices bitch in the hood.
omg she's on the top of the roof

must be a daryah
by @Hatethenamenotthefacts October 28, 2020
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Daryah Jackson is Someone who is boring and stuck up. She's sits in the house all day and drink Pepsi.
Daryah Jackson is Someone who doesn't have fun
"Do you wanna go to a party?" "No" "ugh don't be such a daryah"
by Laminatedml December 26, 2022
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daryah is a very stupid bitch who uses people and lies about how she feels about people she only cares for herself and no one else. she is useless and helpless and she can go die in ditch and scream all she wants but no one hears her. I HOPE SHE DIESSSS
by BubbleBaby1002 June 5, 2016
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