Darian is a very sweet, loving guy. He is probably one of the best guys you’ll ever meet! He is hot, sexy and so sweet. He is one of the lankiest people you’ll meet but that doesn’t stop him from being the best person. He’ll take care you you till your old and still love you.
Wow, that Darian guy is so hot and lanky!
by Darianer January 29, 2018
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A gorgeous girl, who's funny, weird, random and loves to talk. She's a little chubby but she;s got an amazing ass, and great tits(You'd like them!) She usually smokes alot of weed, drinks, goes through ciggarettes like oxygen and likes to dabble in other drugs(e.g. ecstasy, acid, shrooms, ect.) Darian is talked about quite alot and is constantly the target of rumours, but she really doesn't give a damn. School isn't Darian's favorite thing, she rarely goes and treats it like a chore or ditches when she's there. She's an honest, straight-forward and amazing person with a bit of a tendency to be a bitch, but people love her anyway because she's loyal and never gives up. Darian is determined, a risk-taker, and loves playing games and taking dares. She has a "colorful" history which she'd rather not get into, but will usually hint at or confess \when she's drunk/high. Darian is bi-sexual but usually goes for boys, she likes to date the more cutesy girls and goes for the bad boys, or guys she knows she shouldn't date. Anyone who dates Darian is lucky to have her, as she is amazing and wonderful. All in all, an awesome person.
"Who's that ditching class?"
"Oh just Darian"
"Who was the funnest person at that party?"
"Darian, for sure."
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Darian is that type of guy that would make sure you're okay 24/7, so basically your second dad. He is kind, truthful and sweet but most importantly the nicest guy you'll ever meet. A guy you can always talk to no matter what time it is, he'll be there for you. If you ever meet a Darian in your life make sure to befriend him asap.
mf: "bro Darian has a god complex"
feef: "i know right???"
by very much pro gamer November 24, 2021
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A beautiful, friendly, hilarious fangirl. Darians often become obsessed with Youtube celebrities and British bands. Beware of giving Darians sugar or access to Omegle.
"Hey, did you see that girl? The one that everyone discovers is a great person after they got past her initial shyness?"
"Oh, yeah. She was such a Darian."
by AyebergNerd July 3, 2013
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a strange, but friendly person. physically: Darian is a chunky monkey, brick house, bootylicious and built like an Amazon..with both boobs. People love to talk shit about Darian, but she doesn't really give a damn. she is socially more "one of the guys" rather than a girly girl. she will get buck wild when she's got a beat to dance to.
"Did you see Darian actin crazy at The Bank last weekend?They played Funky Cold Medina and she went fool, all that body going in twelve different directions, good lord!"

"Darian bout laughed her ass off when we told her what Erin said about her"

"The guys went to the mud bog, Darian actually tried to drive Jack's truck in it""
by ChunkyMunkyDariD June 3, 2009
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A woman's man. This man will melt your heart and every other woman's with his permagrin. He is always cheerful which is sometimes too much for people around him to handle. Usually defined as tall, attractive, strong, and often redheaded. And he is a perfect snuggler.
That darian totally stopped to help that woman change her flat tire and she wasn't even hot.
by Alibrown October 31, 2007
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A super, beefy, muscular man. He loves his friends and is an all around amazing guy. He loves lacrosse and football. He tends to be a sexy mountain man from Colorado. His friends love him and he loves them. He likes videogames and probably has a best friend named Connie. Darians tends to have a sidekick. The sidekick is usually a hick or a city guy. But in this case it's a hick. Darians usually have really cool uncles and can kick your butt if you talk poop. Darians will be a successful athelete and live a happy life. Darians theme song is usually "shoot me down" by Lil Wayne.
"Oh wow! Look at Darian, I wish I was just like Darian!"
by Julia sanchez January 8, 2010
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