
A person prone to using obsceneties, prophanities, and socially unacceptable language. Usually used out of habbit and without control or conviction.
Person 1: That person was dropp'n F-bombs and the like. What do you call a person like that?

Person 2: You would call them a "Cusser".

Person 1: I guess that makes you a "Name Caller."
by James Gordon July 31, 2004
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Silent Cusser

When a man-child whispers his cuss words because his mother will get very angry if she hears him cussing in a normal tone of voice.
You guys are (whispers) faggots.And everyone says what, not knowing what he said at the end.(Hence the term Silent Cusser).
by Daniel Mircheff August 11, 2011
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Non cusser

People who hate when others curse so much that they slap people who do
Cusser: what the *bleep*
Me: aghh!!!! I'm a non cusser btw!
Cusser: uh oh!
Me: *slap*
by FlippingNinjaPenguin8 April 25, 2010
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Social Cusser

A "Social Cusser" is someone who only cusses around people who cuss, or if people around them are cussing. But if they are with people who don't, they don't.

Like a Social Drinker, but with cussing.
"Whoah, Billy, you were cussing up a storm with Lee and Sara yesterday!"
"Yeah, man. Im a social cusser."
by Saafra August 22, 2011
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closet cusser

Very sweet , shy, quiet individual, but behind closed doors has the dirtiest mouth in history.
Oh my gosh, Amanda is such a sweet girl, but I am sure she is a closet cusser.
by Strippin Zorro November 13, 2015
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