The act of being silencing by calling someone a cunt or saying they have been cunted.
by Coty Dotson February 27, 2008
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You're not in a relationship, but the person you're meant to be "seeing" or "getting with" decides to do something with another individual, leaving you angry and hurt -without being cheated on due to the lack of official relationship.
Dude, I've been cunted over again!
by connnnnn February 27, 2011
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The act of being silencing by calling someone a cunt or saying they have been cunted.
by Coty Dotson February 27, 2008
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Used when expressing someone of particular bad taste.
Often gets you thrown out of Pizza Express/numerous pizzeria.
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt!
by Total_bloody_ledge March 31, 2015
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Ann Coulter, a self proclaimed bigot, who is everything that is wrong with America. It is people like her that stop real progress and change in America while spreading lies and hate.
Son: "Hey dad, what are you reading"

Dad: "...Slander, by Ann Coulter"

Son: "No! Dad, not that cunted cunt!"
by birkenstock wearing treehugger November 22, 2009
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One whom is not merely a cunt, but a cunting cunt.
Why is it that all chavs are cunting cunts?
by Mr x March 21, 2004
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