
A useless bastard that has nothing better to do with his time than drink, smoke weed, (pretend to) surf, get AIDS, hump his dog, and cry while he masturbates. Makes fun of others for not living on/near the beaches of San Diego, as if we actually gave a flying fuck. Mother is frequently passed around like it's her job.
The guy Cope is one huge douchbag. See: douchebag , balls if i care , cawww-cawww , ummm helloooo , and Bojangles
by Mrs. Hay February 17, 2005
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by Moonkehh December 30, 2022
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An obese Day of Defeat gamer. Frequently visits the forums of the popular DoD fansite, 1911. Where he lacks in skill he makes up in pure stupidity.
Cope: what a HUGE NERD LANing with his <online friends>. o and LAN_MAN nice sunvisor with ur eLeet online alias on it. go outside idiot.
by Escher June 24, 2003
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the plural of cope. copeing is the act of reacting mad / being soft.
Soft person: You are a f*cking fascist!!!!
Ultra-Based: Stop copeing kid.
by Data69 August 9, 2021
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A dingleberry that won't leave.
After I thought I had fully wiped my ass, I realized that I still had a cope clinging to my backside.
by William Armstrong August 8, 2003
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the act of copeing to your self by sucking thumb.
you can cope upon many things.
today katie coped on stephan's hoodie
by emothicraver September 18, 2007
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pov: you bought something, but something better value comes out shortly after.
"Guys, the 5800X is actually pretty go-"
by 0z0ne January 14, 2021
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