
As with cotchin but, some prefer, due to its ease of prounouciation, and it almost sounds like its definition, as with most good words
What you doin tonight.........jus coochin
by Sags July 29, 2003
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The act of exploring how the vaginal area can be examined, explored and indulged. I love coochineering for that is my new hiring as well...please inquire within!
I met a girl lastnight and told her im a Coochineering expert..and i want to explore your beef hangers tonght and since i'm a dr of the coochineering field, u can trust everything i do and say...thank you, thank you soo much!!!
by Ralphy David March 27, 2009
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coochin out

getting as much ass as is possible in one weekend
man we bout to be coochin out this weekend huh?
by A man with 89 STD's February 13, 2006
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Country coochin'

Wild country boys out lurkin' for that's called country coochin'!
by Mrscountryman January 28, 2019
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loose coochin

1. female version of free ballin'
2. female commando
Bitch, im goin loose coochin' tonight!

him: What kinda chonies is you wearin?
me: Honey, Im loose coochin'
by Angel Tripp; Cody Tripp March 25, 2007
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free coochin'

1. the act of a female not wearing underwear

2. the female equivalent of free ballin'

(see commando)
Sally: Hey Beth, i didn't pack enough underwear. Can i wear some of yours?
Beth: Hell naw, i don't share panties. I guess you're just gonna have to go commando!
Sally: Yeah, i'll be free coochin' it for the rest of our trip!
by Aasia June 22, 2008
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