when the seemingly conflicting emotions of confusion and arousel happen simultaneously...like making out with your best friend, your best friend's boyfriend....or her dad.
Althoug I feel sorta guilty, I'm also very confroused!
by alicat520 December 8, 2011
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When you are incredibly sexually attracted to someone, but cannot figure out what exactly it is that attracts you.
"Dude, you keep staring at Sarah. She isn't bad looking, but nothing special."
"I dunno man, I get really confroused around her and I am trying to find out why."
by Valkur90 November 3, 2013
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When you are incredibly sexually attracted to someone, but cannot figure out what exactly it is that attracts you.
"Dude, you keep staring at Sarah. She isn't bad looking, but nothing special."
"I dunno man, I get really confroused around her and I am trying to find out why."
by Valkur90 November 3, 2013
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