When somebody has to test the reaction of the people they are with by saying something to the effect of, "I'm well up for <insert inane notion to be proposed here>". If the group approves the motion is carried. Examples of people like this are RETARDS.
Idiot: "I'm well up for getting a cold drink"
Rest of group: "Yeah I'm thirsty too lets get a drink"
Onlooker: "Hahaha they could get a drink but they are probably too stupid to count the money they need to exchange for the goods they are purchasing."


Idiot: "I'm well up for getting a cold drink"
Normal UnRetard: "Hey you stupid phuck, if you want to get a drink just get one. Why do you need the groups approval. *PUNCH*"
by Pike August 30, 2003
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The worst type of conformist, these are the disillusioned ones who believe they are not conformists and by slating conformists down they become non-conformists.
"Yeah, I'm not a conformist, I think it's stupid when people dress in a certain way to be liked, you should always dress differently from other people."
by Gareth March 24, 2004
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A perfect expample are those faggots who grow their hair out and dye it black and dress in black. Who conforms more then they do? Preps may wear the same brand of shirts, but at least they dont listen to the same music, dye your hair black, wear trench coats so you look "tough", dress in black, paint your nails black..wow the people who do this, and there are thousands of them, tell us we are the conformists, they dress the same, listen to the same music, and suck each other off. Get a life you "depressed" loser fucks. Anyone who is gothic is just a homo, simple as that.
move to a 3rd world country if you think your life sucks so bad you fucking losers.
by loca March 31, 2005
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Everyone... Why? because as some say being a conformist is conforming to fit in or acting a certain way so people can like you. It is human nature to want to fit in.. Even if it is with a group of outcasts. Everyone wants to belong to or associated with something or someone.So we all conform to something in life.. Whether with music, at school,with clothing, which religion you choose or lack there of, social circle. Everything..
1: Dude listen to this band it's frickin awesome everyone loves them.
2: You're such a conformist.
1:So are you for not conforming with my opinion.
2: Yeah you are right... Go DIE..

I am also a conformist.. I conform with everything even non-conforming...I've learned to accept it... Have you?

by Callmebilliejoe October 3, 2007
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a person completely moulded by society, due to their innability to have a thought of their own
person 1: i thought you hated korn
person 2: they are number one on the chats this week
(a week later)
person 1: i thought you liked korn
person 2: they are so last week, i am so into britney right now
person 1: go pull your head outta your ass
by da_sbpiyda March 4, 2004
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A non-conformist is somebody whos stands up for what they believe despite what anyone thinks. They can buy what a conformist does not because its in and everyone has but just because they like it. They do things for themselves and not to be excepted by society despite being ridiculed for not having Air Force Ones unless they like them. There isn't a store in the mall called the non-conformist store where people go to be different. Non-conformity is all about doing what you want and not listening to others opinions.
Non-Conformist-I just bought the nicest Air-Forces not because everyone has them but because he likes them

Wanna Be Non Conformist-Ew you're such a conformist everyone has those shoes, I made my own shoes because noone has them you're such a follower.

Non-Conformist-If I like them isn't that all that matters, I mean isn't that what being a non-cofformist is all about doing what you wanna do? If I listen to you and don't buy them won't I be conforming to what your idea of a non-conformist is?

by Fat Kid tm June 13, 2006
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Being in a secure state of mind in which you do not care what anybody but you thinks about you. If the whole world were like this, then there would not be as much violence. If you are scene, emo, goth, etc. then you are in no way a non-conformist. You are
conformity at its very worst. If you can honestly say to yourself that you dont care what others think of you then there is a chance you are a non-conformist. The biggest hint though is when you are recognized by people because there is not another person who looks or acts as you do.
Emo kid- *flips hair* i'm such a non-conformist *flips hair*
me- oh yeah? then why does every kid youre friends with look exactly like you?
by Collisionofworlds September 23, 2008
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