Having the outlook of the times you were born and raised in.
Back in the sixties it was okay to be sexist and racist.
It was largely the Chronocentric point of view of most Americans.
Back in the sixties it was okay to be sexist and racist.
It was largely the Chronocentric point of view of most Americans.
It's impossible for anyone to escape their Chronocentric viewpoint.
Even Abraham Lincoln saw life from his Chronocentric perspective.
Even Abraham Lincoln saw life from his Chronocentric perspective.
by SJ@24 July 10, 2009
Chronocentrism is the belief that, of all the billions of years of history, the times you live in are the culmination of the workings of the Universe.
(i) On March 26 1997 39 members of the Heaven's Gate religious group committed mass suicide in order to live on a spaceship which was following comet Hale-Bopp, and escape the Earth before it was recycled.
Showing Chronocentrism can have tragic consequences
(ii) "The End of History" by Francis Fukuyama
Showing Chronocentric ideas, barely credibly, are taken very seriously by mainstream politics and economics.
Showing Chronocentrism can have tragic consequences
(ii) "The End of History" by Francis Fukuyama
Showing Chronocentric ideas, barely credibly, are taken very seriously by mainstream politics and economics.
by Ann Kittenplan September 13, 2011