1. A Word meaning Albino chicken
2. A Brand of Tampons
1. That Chelo is sure ugly
2. Buy Chelo's!
by Amonkeymankekekekeke May 8, 2003
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When you go out to eat, and you order way more than you can actually eat.
James and Jem order an appetizer, and full meals. They're full once they finish their appetizer, and are to stuffed to even eat their meals. They have Chelos syndrome.

James: "I'm going to order chicken wings, potato skins, and the steak meal"

Jem: "you know you won't be able to finish that, you have chelos syndrome right now"

by Jemmifire & James_Phoenix July 11, 2008
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When you are so bored that in your recess of studying medicine you decide to study engineering. Also, you’re an asshole ❤️
I’m so bored that I’m going to throw a dirty Chelo.
by Your granny’s penis April 17, 2020
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by July 19, 2022
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