Is a tall bad motherfucker, he doesn't give a fuck about anything or about someone. But, he's a good guy.
by Wendell420 November 12, 2019
by NiceMe-32 April 18, 2021
He is a guy that wil never hurt you and will love you but gets rejected caus of his looks en he is lovley and nice
by Haggdji April 20, 2020
Chady is a person who is liked by everyone. He is smiling, caring, modest and respectful, but can be violent and cancel people who piss him off.
Chady loves a challenge and wants to win it. He needs to go out every day and be involved in an artistic environment, especially music, to find satisfaction.
His favorite fruit is the fruit of his labor and his favorite vegetable is french fries. Chady's favorite snack is Kinder Bueno and he usually eats fast food, even though he knows it's bad for his health.
Chady loves a challenge and wants to win it. He needs to go out every day and be involved in an artistic environment, especially music, to find satisfaction.
His favorite fruit is the fruit of his labor and his favorite vegetable is french fries. Chady's favorite snack is Kinder Bueno and he usually eats fast food, even though he knows it's bad for his health.
Person 1: Look over there, a 6ft3 guy getting his ass kicked by a 5ft4 woman!
Person 2: He's probably a Chady!
Person 2: He's probably a Chady!
by mightbefarah May 15, 2021
a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..
not persistant.
changes moods easily; moody.
greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..
not persistant.
changes moods easily; moody.
greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..
i am soooo confused about what to do about Chady..he is great..but confusingggg. he constantly makes me sad, angryy, or depressed. its upsetting. is it worth it??
by Saleh Ibrahim June 22, 2011
Otherwise known as Chadicus.
an amazingly badass guitar player who plays every instrument known to man.
used to have long hair and cut it and is hoping to give it to locks of love
an amazingly badass guitar player who plays every instrument known to man.
used to have long hair and cut it and is hoping to give it to locks of love
by steverpepperoni June 14, 2009