A family commonly know across the Western Cleveland Area. More than 10 families currently have young children. A Castele is commonly defined by a strong nasal-vocal complexion and often tries to "one-up" others around them.
Hey man do you know that kid? Of course, who doesn't. He's a Castele.
by iknowpeoplebecauseiliveincleve February 5, 2012
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the best dance/drill team to ever hit the planet that resides at Del Norte HS in Albuquerque New Mexico.
You're dance/drill style with never look like one of the castelles.
by BEKKASH August 31, 2006
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A guy who is super gay for his teacher and likes to have dinner dates with girls who have hot boyfriends
by Officer.Jane’s gay friend August 17, 2022
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Located in Campania, Italy. It was once a seaside getaway now turned into a slum full of Nigerian immigrants and run by the Nigerian Mafia under the Italian Mafia.
Castel Volturno is a Nigerian slum in Italy.
by Suburbs_Savage March 17, 2021
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