Capisce (pronounced cah-PEESH) is an Italian word that is used in American slang to say "got it" or "understand." The correct word in Italian would be capisci (pronounced cah-PEE-shee) to address the second person informally, a.k.a. you. Capisce, in Italian, is used only to address the second person formally (like when speaking to an elder or someone you don't know) or to express that a third person (he, she, it) understands. The correct Italian pronunciation of capisce is cah-PEE-shay.
To say I understand is capisco (cah-PEE-sko).
To say I understand is capisco (cah-PEE-sko).
by L_B April 30, 2007
by Brandon December 6, 2003
by R91184 July 21, 2006
Italiano for "get it?", or "understand?", or "do I make myself clear?". Used commonly by mafioso people.
"This is your first and final warning. Don'tchu ever, and I mean ever, do that again. Capisce?"
"Everything but capisce."
"Everything but capisce."
by Dave March 28, 2004
yo do that capisce
by gfathergavemafialoot#newmafia June 23, 2017