Camp friends

Camp friends are the best friends you will ever meet. No matter where you are, your camp friends will be there for you. Camp friends NEVER leave your side.
Natalie, Annabelle, Emma, Raegan, Haylie, and Ryann are all best camp friends
by Rattles March 15, 2019
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Camp Friends

The coolest kids ever! Usually found going to FONZ camp, and loving animals and being weird. Usually a little nutty, but kind, caring, and hilarious. Greatest people to be around.
Oh my god, I LOVE my camp friends!

Camp friends suck -- they're your best friends for two weeks, then you come home and they're living 3 hours away from you!

Camp friends are always there for you.
by Katarin Valkyri November 27, 2008
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Camping Friends

The same kids that you hangout with every year on your family camping trip, which is always on the same weekend as them. Camping friends often engage in stupid and pointless activities, making fires, pissing off old ladies, and melting mosquitoes with aerosol flamethrowers.
friend:"hey text me if you're bored up there with only your family.."
me:"dont worry, my camping friends are always up there when I go"
friend:"ugh well I have no other friends :("
by B rad G 401 October 5, 2008
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Princeton friends Camp

Don't let the name fool you. not many people are friends there. This is a camp for kids who actually don't give a fuck about what people think about them bc once you sign up well you're labeled for life. Some people there are great and so are some councilors. Keep in mind I said some. There are some weird ass kids there.
Someone who goes to a normal camp- have u ever gone to friends camp?

Me(someone who has gone to that surprisingly fun hell hole we like to call Princeton Friends Camp )- NO WHY WOULD U ASSUME THAT ABOUT ME
by depressed as fuck January 5, 2018
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camp friends

the best kind of friends. they will listen to you no matter what, be there for you, never do you dirty and will do the craziest shit with you.
i love my camp friends
by 29384$49202 February 2, 2019
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camp friends

camp friends are the best friends u will ever meet. no matter where u are, your camp friends will always be there for u. camp friends NEVER leave your side.
sidney, mia, adam,
connor, benji, robbie, natalie, addie, sydney, peyton, hannah, mack, delaney and fatty g are the best camp friends
by campwestviewlover August 25, 2019
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camp friends

camp friends are the best friends u will ever meet. no matter where u are, your camp feiends will always be there for u. camp friends NEVER leave your side.
adam, sidney, robbie, mia, connor, peyton, benji, addie, hannah, sydney, mack, delaney, natalie, elizabeth, and ivy are the best camp friends ever
by campwestviewlover August 25, 2019
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