slang for Carolina (north or south), american states
Always wear my jeans baggy, saggy
you know georgia,
nor', sou' cackalacky
by Armelius Rochean Dupree February 17, 2005
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"Cackalacky" refers to only North Carolina. NORTH Carolina. North. The Carolina north of South Carolina.
Person1: Yo dawg, Souf Cackalacky is da SHIT!

Person2: I'm sorry, but I am unfamiliar with that which you are speaking, because Cackalacky refers exclusively to the Carolina that borders Virginia.
by heathurrr June 27, 2007
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someone from the Carolinas, esp. North Carolina
Jimbo's a hawdcaw Cackalacky.
by barry January 19, 2004
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Commonly used as a nickname for Carolina, specifically North Carolina. In Barbados it is slang for vagina.
by Rin Grigori January 28, 2014
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Cackalacky (and derivations thereof) is an ages old nickname for world renowned Carolina Cookout Country – the place that most folks recognize as the very birthplace of the Great American Cookout as well as the world’s first sweet potato-based Spice Sauce. As a matter of fact we believe that Cackalacky Spice Sauce (A.K.A. “The official zest of the Carolinas”) may actually be the eponym for the famous gustatory destination. And, while it is extremely flattering that the Cackalacky nomenclature seems to have found a happy home in urban American slang (and rural brogue, military jargon, skete punks, and biker culture, too), the simple fact is that folks have been rapping about the famous sauce recipe and name for eons. Here’s a song about Cackalacky that was written circa 1937 (and re-recorded years later):

Hope this helps!
Old Cackalacky Sauce jingle: "Wherever you go, there you are! And wherever you go, there you'll be - with a bottle o' Cackalacky!"
by Cackalacky Jack June 22, 2005
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it is a premium hot sauce born and raised in Chapel Hill North Carolina-the best there ever was.
" I sure love my Cackalacky hot sauce!"
by hilary j pritzlaff February 28, 2004
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North Carolina's "AKA" The slang term for North Carolina.
noun: Cack(s): person or people who have some affiliation with the redneck state. also referred to as "cacksters"
I'm goin down the Cackalacki with some of my cacks to eat Bo Jangles mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
by Solus R. May 29, 2006
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