Another phrase used in reference to smoking marijuana, or weed.
Rich and AJ were burning it down during the party.
by Mat and John September 7, 2006
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Verb. To go out with the specific intention of achieving a level of inebriation so intense, that when you finally wake up from your binge-indused dirtnap blackout, you can only assume that you have burned your life to the ground.
Present tense;
- Hey, what are you boys up to tonight?

- Dude, we're gonna burn it down big time. Probably not coming back from one, just gonna push the boat out and let it sail

Past tense;
- Hey, what the hell happened to you last night?
- Dude, we burned it down so hard last night, I'm fairly certain my body is now 90% alcohol, probably been fired from my job and the bank will have foreclosed on what's left of my house...
by J.Manstrong December 26, 2016
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Joey, Bobby, and little Timmy sat out the kickball game and burnt one down behind the gym during recess.
by Nick D November 11, 2003
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to smoke some Mary J Wanna aka the good shit from a joint or pipe or blunt or whatever makes you high man...
right on
if you dont like my fire, then dont come around, cuz im gonna burn one down =)
by sashbabe33XX November 19, 2004
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Smoke a bowl of marijuana, in a pipe or bong.
Dude, let's go burn one down behind the old mill!
by Glabl Blarbl September 26, 2004
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