When you are kissing someone then they put there whole mouth around yours and blow air into it, causing their mouth to blow up like a bullfrog.
Guy one: Man I just bullfrogged her!
Girl that got bullfrogged: What the f*** just happened to me!
by That Girl Next Door <3 October 26, 2011
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Where you stick your dick so far down there throat it swells up. Like a bullfrog
I bullfrogged Cheyenne last night and she got pissed cause I choke her bitch ass
by Montes275 July 18, 2018
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A quintessential act of Australian alcoholism, whereby the subject wraps their lips around the entirety of the glass’s rim and blows out to create a natural form of suction and conceal the contents.

Next, the subject whips back their head back allowing the alcohol to rapidly enter the oesophagus and swallow accordingly.

A fail proof method of gaining respect amounts peers and causing audience unexpected urination.

Not to be confused with any weird sexual positions.

Coined by Lucy Treasure.
Holy shit, did you just see Lucy Treasure Bullfrog that vintage Pinot Noir!? Sick bitch.
by Lucyjtreasure September 10, 2020
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Noun; a smallish man who puffs his chest out to look bigger.

Verb; the act of puffing ones chest out to look bigger, for example when trying to get served at a bar.
"I was getting totally ignored so I did a massive bullfrog".
by The Mighty Pen July 21, 2019
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Simultaniously vomitting and having diarrhea.
I got food poisoning and was up all night bullfrogging.
by snooglesfingers September 12, 2006
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the bullfrog is when you pull your nutsack over you dick completely.
i put my bullfrog on yo mamas face bitch! holla.
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a noun that describes a pimp, or extremely studly man.
"jeremiah was a bullfrog, he was a good friend of mine."
by Eric Sepe June 22, 2005
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