A gamer term referring to a male gamer utilizing a character creator to make their perfect waifu to play in-game, as opposed to creating a total chad that reflects his own masculinity. This practice is common among weeaboos and incels.
"Why is Colin's Final Fantasy 14 character a cat girl?"
"He thinks this game is a fucking Build-a-Bitch"
by 7474 February 26, 2020
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A woman that you have to fix a certain aspect of her to deem dateable. It can involve appearance as well as personality.
A women who's a heavy smoker, a woman who needs to lose just a little bit of weight, or has an Owen Wilson-esque nose.

Sentence - You Damn she's so cool, but she's got a size 00 ear gauge!

Friend Haha, I told you not to mess with a Build-A-Bitch!!
by Blakwire August 15, 2011
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A metaphorical place in which you get a girlfriend who's personality is molded to your choice and built to order.
Hey Jim, still having problems with your girl?

Yeah... she's been being a total naggy whore lately.

You should stop on down to "Build-a-Bitch Workshop" and try to make a better one!

by Beebuns July 15, 2010
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Where men can go build their own slut.
Connor: Aww did Caroline break up with you?
Nick: (Sobs) Yeah
Connor: Well stop on down to Build-A-Bitch Workshop! You can get a new one there!
Nick: You just made my day! I’m going there!
by Not a legend 27 December 18, 2019
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