Bruce is a sweetheart who thinks he’s so sour. He is clever, smart, and a try hard. which is why he is a go getter. He is brilliant but he doesn’t know it. A wonderful: chef, friend, teacher, painter, creator, lover, with the most exquisite eyes, shades of blue and green hues. But they make you feel yellow and warm. A gentlemen at its very best. A caring compassionate person when he allows himself. He is a breath of fresh air, a cool breeze on a summer day. A fall day with just a trickle of rain. He is attentive and authentic. He knows how to be himself and a musician of sound. His brain is full of books and he really is the best cook. Meh.
Dang Bruceeee show me how to groove.
by cammiam August 1, 2020
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The procedure or strategy to extricate or evict unwanted randos from work drinks.
That Samuel bloke is getting weirder by the minute, maybe time to pull a Bruce Manoeuvre and lose him at the Taxi rank.
by TheOtherGerald September 9, 2022
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Bruce Xu is a very peculiar beast. He has an prominent red marking on the tip of his nose which attracts 'mad bitches'
He has a large hunchback and isn't the most academically gifted
person 1 "ewwww, look at 'Bruce xu' over there"
person 2 "what is that on the tip of his nose?"
Bruce Xu "whaaaaaat"
by the Xu meister July 13, 2024
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When you get to a level of highness which your no longer able to bring any words together in a sentence and you can only make the karate chop sounds that Bruce lee makes
Person 1: here mate you good?

Person 2: hoooooohhoyooah

Person 1: fuck sake not again
Person 2: yeoooohaaaa
Person 1: your Bruce lee'd mate
by Yea mate September 1, 2017
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A very muscular man with a kind smile and nice personality people usually gravitate towards a Bruce Ketrick because he is a natural born leader.
I was out it’s the leader of the gang Bruce Ketrick
by December 12, 2018
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The God of Gods. He knows everything. People call him Mr Sexy. He is a renowned marijuana dealer who sleeps with five 80-year-old men a day.
Wow, you're so sexy! You're such a Bruce Chen!
by Taopao May 11, 2020
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The shark from the 2018 game Raft where he tries to chomp your raft into nothing, or something I've never played the game.
Bruce the raft shark just broke my raft.
by VolumeNOKIA February 27, 2023
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