Brolih is a slovenian animal known for being fat and drinking juice. The first known sighthings of this creature date back to the early 19 hundreds. There was a brave expedtion by an explorer known as Chake. He led the the forces from celje to investigate reports of sheep and humans being taken form nerbay villages. Today the word is used in slovenian modren slang that refers to a "best" or "alpha male". Hundreds of years later it still romes the nerbay villages as an alpha predator on the very top of the food chain.
Your such a Brolih = Your such a beast/alpha/sigma
by Brolih December 14, 2021
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Is the only person in the world that could pay for a prostitute and still get friendzoned
Brolih: ok let's do this
Prostitute: but I like u more as a friend
by Yo mum s closest friend October 31, 2019
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